Sexual Harassment: An Abuse of Power


Sexual harassment can have a negative impact on an organization as well as on the victims themselves. Managers have a legal responsibility and an ethical obligation to protect their employees from a hostile work environment. But they also must protect themselves. Managers are strictly liable for sexual harassment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If employees are being sexually harassed in an organization and such behavior is discovered, both the manager and the organization can be held liable for damages. In this article, I examine the nature of sexual harassment, a legal definition, major forms, negative effects on the organization, and ways manager’s can eliminate and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Penulis: Fred C. Lunenburg

Penerbit: International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration

Kategori Data: Karya Ilmiah

Ukuran File: 170.07 kB


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